Sunday 30 October 2022

Imminent 6 red hot

It's Autumn and Imminent 6 has arrived.

As the seasons turn red, we remember the heat of the summer months, wild fires and record temperatures, and welcome the coolness amongst the autumnal colours. Imminent 6 has a feeling of time passing, colours fading, changing light, and the knowledge embedded within the grains of a piece of wood or in the connections of an ecosystem.

Imminent 6 is printed in red, with images by me and Saintly Amok, and poetry by contributors from both sides of the North Atlantic once again.


Chris Turnbull's notes from recently respond to the lifelong knowledge of a Greek beekeeper. The poems take their own shape, working visually across and between pages as much as through the words. Chris has a fascinating ongoing project, rout/e: poetry found in place, which you can visit at this link.

Rupert M Loydell's An Interpretation Beyond Understanding inspired my own writing. I placed his poem in the centre pages where, in my imagination, it acts as an anchor around which the other pages circle. I thought about the understanding in our own bodies, and wrote a piece with Saintly Amok in response to the way she understood the knowledge contained in her woodblock. 

You can read more of Rupert M Loydell's work in 2 free ebooks: Answers That Theory Does Not Allow and From Dipstick Apocalypse. Rupert also edits Stride magazine. 

Saintly Amok is holding a sharing knowledge event as part of her residency at New Art Exchange, Nottingham, on 1st December: An Infinite Gift, Seed Sharing Event.

Andrew Taylor and Mark Goodwin close the issue with writing that draws us into the next season but brings with us the memories of what has just gone. Andrew has a new book out with Leafe Press, Northangerland. Mark's latest chapbook, to 'B' nor as 'tree', is just out with intergraphia books.

I hope you enjoy the warmth of this issue.

You can buy red Imminent 6, and past issues, online from the Shop page of this blog. Thank you.

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