Thursday, 7 November 2019

Othering... and other writing

Enchanted 1, Jo Dacombe 2019
I am pleased to have a new article out, for Climate Cultures.
The piece draws on many of the themes I have been writing about for the forthcoming book Imagining Woodlands. It reflects on the way that we use language and mapmaking to describe our relationship with the natural world, specifically woodlands, and the effect this has on our perceptions.

You can read the post here: Othering - on Woodlands, Maps and Language

I am indebted to editor Mark Goldthorpe for working with me on this piece. As a result of his suggestions, I have started to think about new ways of using words to describe landscapes. I have also been inspired by some poetry that I have been writing, as part of a Twenga group  - writing Renga poetry as a collaboration on Twitter. Run by artists Paul Conneally and Gavin Wade, Twenga is inspiring new ways for me to think about writing. It's also just a lot of fun! Anybody can join in - read the current Twenga by searching for #twenga on Twitter.
Meanwhile, work on Imagining Woodlands continues, for which I am currently developing ideas for images to accompany a chapter written by Dr Freya Sierhuis. I'm very excited to bring all these ideas to fruition and I hope to make the book available in 2020.

Thanks for following.

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