Friday 19 July 2024


GroundWork Gallery, King's Lynn
I'm delighted that IMMINENT zine can now be found in the shop of the GroundWork Gallery in King's Lynn, Norfolk.

Customs House
I spent a very full day in King's Lynn yesterday as part of my work on a project for Art Reach. It was lovely to find the time to pop in to the gallery again, to visit it's evenly lit and beautifully curated space.

GroundWork is dedicated to art and environment, supporting artists and showing work that engages us with the climate crisis and the natural world. I first visited in May and loved the space. It's small, with two floors, but beautifully presented to show contemporary art of a variety of approaches, including a Richard Long wall piece, a sound installation, video of a performance on a beach, and more. I spent some time there exploring the art work and perusing the books and work in the shop.

I'm so happy the gallery recognise the synergy between their mission and my zine, and I'm excited that the work will reach more people. 

IMMINENT Issue 9, June 2024
 I've visited King's Lynn a few times now for work, and discover something new and wonderful every time. Yesterday I walked along the river in the sun to the Customs House, opposite the GroundWork Gallery. The Customs House is also being used for art exhibitions too currently by local artists, and is just one of the many heritage buildings that you discover in the town if you explore the streets that radiate from the central Tuesday Market Place. If you find yourself in King's Lynn, I encourage you to stop by the GroundWork and explore the ever changing variety of art there. The gallery describes itself as local and global - showing art of a world standard, and also showcasing local artists and supporting artist residencies, connecting art with environmental concerns.